I’ve recently become a big fan of running circuits. I’ve found that they get me to run longer distances, but also break it up so that my runs don’t come as monotonous. I’ve also heard from many of you that have said you’re looking for a way to incorporate strength-training into your run training schedule. If you have the flexibility available, then I’d recommend using these types of circuits to bring a little extra “pop” into your regularly scheduled runs.
Today was National Running Day! While I’m not a huge runner, I’ll take pretty much any reason to celebrate! Making this workout was a blast – looking for ways to strengthen total body, while not completely fatiguing the legs. For my personal workout schedule, today was primarily a strength-training day, so I’m looking forward to pulling this one out of the box tomorrow when I have my longer cardio session.
How are you celebrating National Running Day? How do you mix strength-training in with your cardio sessions?
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