This weekend was full of two Miami hockey games and lots of catch up time with old college friends. While it was a busy one, it just wasn’t enough for Ray and I. We decided to add a road trip up to Breck for some skiing due to the snow happening up in those mountains.
For those familiar with skiing, it was a fresh powder day. We got there early and we found some great spots where we were the only ones on the mountain. Though I realized about half way through the day that my knees are in need of some additional support. While yoga has been great to me, I need to work those quads to help out my lower half on the mountains.
So, without further ado, my workout for today was focused on my leg strength. I performed the below circuit 3 times through and added weights to almost all pieces.
After the circuit, I looked just like that girl… except with a booty. Obviously.
In the future, you’re going to see a bigger focus on balance across strength training. Arms, legs, the whole she-bang. Get excited, team!
Create a great life!