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Friday Favorites #2

Can’t lie… there’s been a lot to be excited about this week.  We’ve had a lot of tech problems with the site (all behind the scenes, thankfully), but at the end of the day, they’re good problems to have, right?!  My yoga instructor yesterday said it best when she said, “when we have problems, just think about how lucky we are to have those problems in the first place.”  Touché, Ms. Yoga Instructor… people around the world would wish for the issues we have in our daily lives.

And with that, I’m pleased to offer you some of the awesomeness that has come this week.  I’m pumped to hear about what’s rockin’ your week, as well!



It’s sunny and toasty here, so in my world, that’s what defines BBQ season.  It may not be the healthiest meal, and it’s far from nutritious, but it’s oh so good.  There’s a place near our home called Yazoo BBQ that’s my absolute favorite.  They’re up early in the mornings prepping the meats for the day, we’re surrounded by ranches, so fresh meat isn’t hard to come by, but their techniques make meat that is absolutely incredible.  They also offer a wide variety of sauces that I enjoy mixing and matching based on my mood.  Definitely stop by the original Yazoo BBQ in downtown Denver if you’re able to make the trip!

Our First King Soopers LCM


I’m familiar with these mailing from my time in Cincinnati and they’re called “LCMs” or Loyal Customer Mailers.  They’re mailed to loyal shoppers of grocery chains with coupons for the actual products they purchase.  We just got out first LCM in the mail and I’m ecstatic!  I feel like it means like we’re locals, right?!  (And yes, we do buy Tombstone pizzas once a week for our Sunday nights.  A free one sounds perfect!)

Denver Fitness Week is Amazing


So far DFW has been unreal and I can’t wait for the next few classes to come!  Like I said on Wednesday, I’ll be reviewing all of the classes I’m taking, which is a lot, but it has included a lot of fun discoveries.  One is this gorgeous wall that’s outside of The River Yoga.  Another one is rowdy instructor Natalie Uhling who is so cool that she’s sponsored by Under Armor.  Check out one of her UA commercials here.

Fabulous Celebration Traditions


We had two friends that recently graduated from Law School.  While they had a great cook out at their house, the best part was that their family friends brought this awesome tradition into our lives.  Popping off the top of a bottle of champagne with a sword.  So incredibly random, and I have not learned how to do this myself, but I’m determined to learn this awesome skill myself!

Mothers Day Gift


This year for Mother’s Day, I was unable to hang out with my mom.  #SadFace  But I was able to send her a gift that I hope she loved as much as it meant for me sending it to her.  I sent her a hat that I thought she’d like that I purchased in Cusco, Peru, five reasons why she’s awesome, and a book filled with quotes that I thought fit her and our relationship perfectly.  The above quote was one of my favorites – one that my mother lives out every day and one that I hope to espouse throughout my life.

Links I Love

– Megan wrote Why Bloggers Should Stop Working for Free a while back and it’s hit a new cord with me in the recent past.  We, as bloggers, are regularly asked to blog or Tweet or Instagram post or whatever for free or for products “in kind.”  But let’s be real, this is our CAREER on the lines.  If you’re not just starting out in the blog world, if you offer to do something for free, you are literally demeaning our entire field.  As much as I can, remember that your blogs and work are WORTH something.  Please act like it.


What are some of your highlights from the past week?

What are you most looking forward to this weekend?  I have my first of two Bachelorette parties, so I’ll have some unique updates coming ne t week I’m sure!

Create a great life!





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