This weekend was a busy one, heading up to Frisco for some Spring skiing and time to celebrate a good friend’s birthday. While 60-degrees and sunny is not known for being perfect ski weather, I won’t complain. Heck, it was 83-degrees when we pulled back into Denver today – Thank you, sunshine!
This week’s Sunday Confession relates to food. I’ve been all over the board when it comes to my relationship with food. I’ve been on super-strict, daily meal-planning diets and I’ve gone crazy on the sweets. Both extremes were never meant to last, so I’ve landed somewhere in the middle – I don’t meal plan, but I try to focus on eating healthier options. Example, I choose to pick the side of fruit rather than toast at breakfast spots.
This “plan” (or lack there of) has treated me well over the past few years. It’s much more sustainable, and allows for some ability to flex if I’m at a special event (I love ice cream) or if I need to prep for a specific event (weddings, trips, etc.)
Lately, however, I haven’t been picking the healthiest of options. So, my confession this week is that I need to re-focus on fueling my body with healthy food. Please note that this has NOTHING to do with weight. This is about a trend that I’ve started to recognize in my habits and the fact that I’m only 28 – I want my food and fitness to give me the energy to take on the world.
So, here’s my plan to thwart this trend. Meet the cheat meal (seen below.) At a high level, I’m not going to be too intense, but I will be selecting the healthy option all but one meal a week. Also, I’ll re-focus on having only one sweet a day. I’ve been going a bit crazy on the Girl Scout cookies, so I’ll be watching that, too.

Meet the El Toro and the Tot food truck veggie burger and fries… or the standard burger and tots if you’re Ray
What tips do you have for someone getting on the healthy eating train? How do you focus on eating healthy across the week?
Create a great life!