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Stretching Out the Stress

Quick post today, but has anyone else had a stressful week?  All my fellow yogis out there know that all of your emotional baggage sits directly on. your. hips.  That’s right – Happiness?  On your hips.  Stress?  On your hips.  Random laughter because you’re feeling highly inflexible?  You guessed it… on your hips.

So what are we to do to even out these emotions so that we can tackle the day ready to go?  Stretch it out! Below are the four stretches that I’ve started to incorporate into my daily life.  I’d recommend incorporating these either early in the day or before you go to sleep to rid yourself of overwhelming emotions and get in the right mindset.

I hope that these help you to feel relaxed and rejuvenated for the great life ahead of you!!


What are your favorite stretches to help you feel calm and relaxed?  Do you have any favorite yoga poses that you use to center yourself?

Create a great life!

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