Daily nutrition and eating habits have a tremendous impact on our health and wellness. The foods we put in our body give us strength, immunity, and power. Switching what we eat and getting us out of our usual meal routine can have a profound effect on our mood, emotions, and energy. Food can be a source of empowerment!
With a little bit more time on our hands (#socialdistancing), we’ve been hearing more and more about a wide variety of nutrition plans – so we wanted to learn more! In case you were curious about several of the nutrition plans gaining popularity this here, here are 10 nutritional plans that we are interested in learning more about or trying ourselves.
Note: Please keep in mind, we are not doctors or nutritionists. Rather, we are interested parties that aim to provide more information about different options to help empower you to learn more if one of these plans sounds like it might be right for you. Before making any changes to your regular eating habits, it is important to consult your doctor or nutritionist.

10 Nutrition Plans Designed to Boost Health and Wellness
Ketogenic Diet
Where it came from / who created it:
There are five different variations of the keto diet. From our research, the original version was invented in 1923 by Dr. Russell Wilder to help treat epilepsy.
The “keto diet” is about low carbs and high fat intake. By replacing carbs with fat, the body goes into a state of ketosis that burns more fat and turns it into energy. The standard keto diet has had extensive medical research to back it up. Overall, the keto diet can have a tremendous impact on all parts of the body.
Foods you can / cannot eat according to this plan:
In the classic keto diet, each meal should contain 6% protein, 4% carbs, and 90% fats. An easier way to monitor food is by substituting most carbs with fats. Think avocados, seafood, cheese, and low-carb vegetables as being the fats suggested – not cupcakes.
Who it’s designed for:
From the information we’ve seen, the keto diet has gained popularity with people looking for more energy in their day to day life. Keto loyalists feel that ketosis burns more fat and turns it into energy to fuel your brain and body.
Find out more info:
Check out this link to learn more. Included on the website is a highly detailed video that describes the keto diet.
Atkins Diet
Where it came from / who created it:
The Atkins Diet was invented in the 1960s by cardiologist Dr. Robert Atkins. It revolutionized healthy eating and weight loss by focusing on eating the “right” foods, rather than eating less.
Similar to keto, the Atkins Diet is low carb. According to Atkins research, carbs convert to sugars in your bloodstream and an excess of those sugars can turn to fat. Thus decreasing carb intake can make you feel more satisfied and energized throughout the day.
Foods you can / cannot eat according to this diet:
Within the Atkins Diet, you should not eat high starch veggies, low quality carbs, or high sugar fruits. Rather, you should substitute those with fiber and nutrient rich foods. Some of those foods Atkins followers do consume would be asparagus, apples, cherries, nuts, and avocados.
Who it’s designed for:
The Atkins Diet website shares that this diet is great for people who are looking to lose weight or create a healthy lifestyle. On the Atkins website, there are three different plans that each have a different focus.
Find out more info:
If this eating plan sounds ideal for you, click this link to take a quiz that identifies which Atkins plan is best for you. In addition, here is a great infographic that displays foods that are perfect for the Atkins Diet.
South Beach Diet
Where it came from / who created it:
The South Beach Diet is a commercial weight loss plan that was created in 2003 by cardiologist Arthur Agaston.
The goal of the South Beach Diet is to change the balance of what you eat to create a healthier lifestyle. Like the ketoGenic and Atkins Diet, the South Beach Diet focuses on eating less carbs, rather eating protein and healthy-fat options. It is designed to be a nutrient-rich and fiber-dense diet.
Foods you can / cannot eat according to this plan:
According to the South Beach Diet, you should limit “bad” carbs and unhealthy fats. It focuses on adding healthy fruits and vegetables into your meals instead.
Who it’s designed for:
The South Beach Diet was designed for people who are looking to create an overall healthier relationship with food. It isn’t about counting carbs or calories, which, we would gather, makes it easier to plan meals on the go.
Find out more info:
Read this article from the Mayo Clinic to learn more about the South Beach Diet and weight loss. In addition, here is a great comfort food recipe for low-carb meatloaf that fits the South Beach Diet.

Vegetarian Diet
Where it came from / who created it:
The modern vegetarian movement and diet was created in the mid 1800s, but research shows that some humans have been eating meatless diets since before recorded history.
Many people start a vegetarian diet for health benefits, reasons varying from reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, to reducing the risk of some cancers. The vegetarian diet is also can also be a great way to limit processed foods that are high in sugar, calories, and fat. Vegetarian diets vary, but typically it is a diet that does not include meat, fish, or poultry.
Foods you can / cannot eat according to this diet:
Depending on what is best for you and your needs, vegetarianism can take many forms. Typically, vegetarians do not eat meat, fish, or poultry, but some people choose to eat a mix of those in various quantities. It is important to get daily nutrients, such as calcium, vitamin D, and Omega-3 fatty acids, which may need to be supplemented depending on how you plan to attack this plan. As with any of the nutrition plans we mention here, please talk to a doctor or nutritionist to ensure that you are feeding your body all of the wonderful things it needs!
Who it’s designed for:
A vegetarian diet can be ideal for those interested in clean eating. If you are looking to cut back on processed foods, you may want to consider a vegetarian diet. From personal experience, we know that it also has numerous health benefits that can lead you to feel happier and more energized!
Find out more info:
Check this link out to learn more about creating and planning a well-rounded vegetarian diet. Further, here is a great vegetarian recipe for gnocchi with vegetables to get you started!
Vegan Diet
Where it came from / who created it:
Modern veganism was created in 1944 by Donald Watson and a group of other non-dairy vegetarians. They created the word “vegan” to encompass a new lifestyle and nutritional plan.
The vegan diet is about removing all animal foods from your diet. “Veganism” can also be a lifestyle choice that can include removing animal products from the clothes, accessories, furniture, and entertainment you consume. Animal foods are considered to be meat, but they also extend to dairy, eggs, and (is some cases) honey and wine.
Foods you can / cannot eat according to this eating plan:
According to the vegan diet, you should not eat any animal products including meat, poultry, fish, dairy, eggs, or honey. Vegans can eat a variety of healthy and complex foods including fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, seeds, and beans.
Who it’s designed for:
A vegan diet can be a great fit for anyone looking to create a healthy, plant-based lifestyle. As with any of these plans, it is important to consult a doctor or nutritionist to make sure you are getting a well-rounded balance of nutrients with each meal, as it can be difficult to get all of the vitamins and minerals your body needs when you’re cutting out specific food groups.
Find out more info:
The Vegan Society is a great resource to learn more about veganism and its history. Check out this link to learn more about this lifestyle.
Paleo Diet
Where it came from / who created it:
The paleo diet was created in the 1970s by gastroenterologist Walter Voegtlin. It was intended to replicate the diets of our ancient ancestors.
The paleo diet is a nutritional plan that is based on eating foods that would have been eaten during the Paleolithic era. Foods such as lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds make up the main portion of this diet.
Foods you can / cannot eat according to this diet:
According to what we’ve found from paleo devotees, your diet should follow that of hunter-gatherers. With the paleo diet, it is recommended that you eat foods such as vegetables, nuts, seeds, lean meats, and fish. They have shared that you should stay away from grains, beans, lentils, peanuts, dairy products, and refined sugar.
Who it’s designed for:
The paleo diet is designed for those looking to lose weight or remain at a healthy weight. The paleo diet requires some planning, so it is great for people who like meal prepping or for those who want to monitor food intake.
Find out more info:
The paleo diet can be adapted to meet your needs, check out this article from the Mayo Clinic to create your own paleo diet. Continuing, here is a link to find a sweet potato hash recipe that is perfectly paleo and great for breakfast!
Zone Diet
Where it came from / who created it:
The Zone Diet was created 30 years ago by Dr. Barry Sears to promote peak mental and physical performance.
The Zone Diet is about eating balanced meals. According to this diet, each plate should include 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fats. This nutritional plan restricts grains and starches and maximizes fruits and vegetables. The “ideal” Zone pyramid includes vegetables, fruits, low fat proteins, oils, and grain starches.
Foods you can / cannot eat according to this plan:
According to the Zone Diet, each meal should have a variety of nutritious foods, but the center of the plate should be fruits and vegetables. Foods that should be limited include fats, starches, and grains. It ensures optimal protein-to-glymeric intake.
Who it’s designed for:
The Zone Diet is designed for people looking to feel healthier and more energized. Resources also suggest that it can also be used as a tool for weight loss.
Find out more info:
To learn more, check out this website which includes more tips and advice to getting started with the Zone Diet.

Intermittent Fasting
Where it came from / who created it:
Intermittent fasting has existed for a very long time, but it was made popular in 2012 by BBC broadcast journalist Dr. Michael Mosley.
With intermittent fasting, meals are eaten within a specific time frame. There are several different cycles to experiment with, but a general trend in this diet seems to be a standard 8 hour period. In this cycle, all meals are eaten during that 8 hour time frame and food can be relatively similar to what you enjoyed prior to jumping into this lifestyle. There are also shorter or longer periods of fasting, such as 5 or 24 hours.
Foods you can / cannot eat according to diet:
Intermittent fasting does not specify what foods to eat, rather it restricts when you eat your meals. Some people choose to skip either breakfast or dinner depending on the fasting cycle they choose, but that’s entirely a personal decision.
Who it’s designed for:
Intermittent fasting seems to be a good fit for people looking to focus on the natural rhythm of their body. It may also help with weight loss and help a person to have an overall healthier food lifestyle.
Find out more info:
Want to know more about the science behind intermittent fasting? Check out this article to read on.
Dukan Diet
Where it came from / who created it:
The Dukan Diet was created by Dr. Pierre Dukan, who specializes in weight loss and weight management. While it has been around for quite some time, it arguably became most popular when Kate Middleton was rumored to be on it to “prep” for her wedding to Price William.
The Dukan Diet is primarily about weight loss. It is about getting to your (according to the diet) “true” weight, which is based on age, health, and weight loss history. Then, there are a series of phases that include specific dietary patterns. Throughout much of the plan, meals should consist of lean protein, veggies, and oat bran.
Foods you can / cannot eat according to diet:
Each phase in the Dukan Diet has specific foods to eat and foods to avoid. Once you reach the final stage, there are less restrictions on what you can and can’t eat.
Who it’s designed for:
The Dukan Diet is designed for people looking to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way. The diet is divided in phases to make it easier to keep track of progress.
Find out more info:
Read this article to learn more about the specific foods for each phase of the Dukan Diet.
Whole30 Diet
Where it came from / who created it:
The Whole30 Diet was originally created in 2009 by blogger Melissa Hartwig Urban. Since then, millions of people have used the diet as a tool to learn more about healthy eating.
The Whole30 program is a 30 day challenge to eat simple, but real, foods. The goal is to reduce cravings, improve sleep, and create a better relationship with food. It can also be used to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way. The creator of the Whole30 program has written and created numerous cookbooks to make eating easier and more fun.
Foods you can / cannot eat according to diet:
During your Whole30 challenge, it is suggested that you eat healthy and simple foods. According to this plan, you entirely cut out added sugar, alcohol, grains, legumes, dairy, carrageenan, MSG, sulfates, treats, and junk foods.
Who it’s designed for:
The Whole30 Diet is made for people who want to challenge themselves to eat a healthy diet. The goal in this eating plan is to create life-long habits that can lead to weight loss and healthy eating. The amount of resources, including cookbooks, make the Whole30 diet a great choice for people who are interested in learning more about nutrition and dieting.
Find out more info:
Check out the Whole30 website to get more resources, including podcasts and recipes.
Let food empower us!
Consider writing down what you are looking for in a diet or nutrition plan. Do you want to lose weight or are you looking for particular health benefits? Food is a great way to empower yourself to remain strong and confident. Your food choices should be about you and your needs – We should let food empower us, not hold us back!
Craving to read more about some healthy eating habits? Check out this piece to learn more about healthy eating myths, or this one about Jessica’s relationship with food.
Create a great life!