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My Morning Routine

I often get asked about how I squeeze so much into the day, and the truth is that it’s all about having a streamlined morning routine.  My routine has changed a lot over the years, especially since meeting and moving in with Ray.  I used to wake up with 10 minute to get ready, run out to do a morning workout, and somehow get back home in time for a lazy shower in time to get to work.  But Ray has turned me into a lazy morning person – slowly waking up to enjoy the day.  I fully expect our routine to change dramatically in the future (kids, etc), but this in my current routine at this point in our lives.

I wake up: Somewhere between 5:45 and 6:10.  I don’t actually get out of bed until 6:20, so I allow myself some flexibility depending on how I’m feeling.  We use Ray’s alarm, so my goal is to not hear it to feel that I’ve woken up naturally.

I typically feel: Fairly energized and ready to take on the day, but this completely depends on how I’ve slept the night prior.  Since getting back into a workout routine, I sleep a lot better and can tell the days that I don’t work out because I will toss and turn much of the evenings.  (Thus why I am randomly writing this at 3:27am Sunday morning, ha!)


First thing I do when I wake up: Turn on the local news.  I’ve gotten pretty good at not checking my phone first thing in the mornings, but have replaced it with another blue screen.  While I don’t love jarring myself awake with such intense light, I now feel out of touch if I don’t see my fellow Junior Leaguer sharing the weather in the mornings.

My breakfast routine: I’m fairly structured in the mornings and chug a glass of water ASAP.  I know it’s not great, but I actually eat first thing when I get to work.  Depending on what I’ve packed that day, I have either an apple,  frozen breakfast sandwich, or homemade oatmeal with a little bit of brown sugar and cinnamon.  No matter what I’ve packed, I have a side of a cup of breakfast tea and another massive glass of water.


Shower plans: In the past, I showered in the evenings, allowing my hair to dry overnight thinking I was saving time.  But we had to throw out a pillow because my wet hair made it moldy!  So now I shower in the mornings fairly quickly.  I’m fortunate that my hair dries straight, so I often towel off my hair, but allow it to finish drying in the car so that I’m using less electrical heat on my hair each day.

My favorite part of my routine: The reason I was willing to make my mornings less hectic was because they are now a time for Ray and I to connect.  Our days are filled with office work and I now spend the large majority of my evenings updating the blog, so our mornings are our time to relax and talk.  It’s a great way to wake up each day!


Music I listen to: Almost strictly country music.  But the pop country kind that “real” country fans hate.  I’ve been listening to country music regularly since high school when CMT was the only music channel my parents didn’t block, and I don’t picture the addiction leaving anytime soon.

My beauty routine: I should be ashamed to admit how often I use my tips for looking pulled together,  but I’m not.  As I’ve grown older and more confident in my skin, I find myself using less and less products.  Now, alongside my morning moisturizer, I regularly use under-eye cover-up, a powdered foundation, a light bronzer, mascara, eye-liner on my lower lid, and chap stick.  I’ll also toss a little chap stick on my eyelids frequently to give them a little shine and hydration, as well.

Last thing I do before heading out the door: Put on my shoes, even though I pick them out immediately when I’m planning my outfit for the day.  I’m currently on a boot kick (pardon the pun.)

My tips for streamlining your mornings:

  • Pack the night before, if possible.  I typically have three things ready to go each day – my computer bag, a “lunch” bag (including breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, and an Emergen-C), and a workout bag.
  • Plan your outfits or have go-to work outfits at the ready.  I need about 5 seconds to pick out my outfit in the morning, because I can tell you all of the elements of my outfit as soon as I pick out my sweater or top from my closet.
  • Don’t wash your hair everyday.  Depending on your hair type, it’s best to skip a day or two between washings anyways.
  • Plan blog posts in advance.  I have several blogging friends that plan their posts and get them on their site all at one time.  While I tried that for a while, it wasn’t sustainable for me.  I now use LiveWriter to time my posts at least the evening prior, if not before, when possible.
  • Embrace the “natural” look and minimize your make up routine.  I feel fortunate that Colorado is a fairly natural state where most people don’t pile on the make-up, but I tried to minimize my routine even when I lived in Chicago.  While make-up gives a more professional look, what are the elements of your routine that may not be necessary?


What are your tips for streamlining your morning routine?

What’s your favorite part of each morning?

Create a great life!

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