Back in the day, I used to do a “Life in My Eyes” is a series once per season. The series highlighted my favorite things across entertainment, beauty products, and everything in between. I’m still constantly shock with the amount of reads these posts get each month and decided that it was time for a quick update. Enjoy!
And now to Spring 2022…
(Disclaimer – The below content does include some affiliate links and sponsored content, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.)
This is a very, very, very busy phase of life for me right now. I have some major deadlines lingering and a lot of work to do to cross them off. Though I’m also feeling incredibly blessed! I am proud to say that I love almost every aspect of my life at this very moment, which is a lot of growth from where I’ve been in the past. So while it’s busy, it’s absolutely beautiful.
Life in My Eyes – Spring 2022

Spring Ski Days
I have a MASSIVE project coming up that I’m very excited about, but it was unfortunately pushed back a month. To ease some of the stress, my boyfriend and I decided to book a last minute trip out to Breckenridge to enjoy some of the late season days. We’ve had blue sky and powder days, along with a wonderful day at the spa and some delicious, new restaurants. It was wonderful to spend a couple of moments relaxing before jumping back into the madhouse!

EltaMD Facial Sunscreen
I literally just got home from the dermatologist where we were chatting sun care. Before my mid-30s, I honestly didn’t think much about how the sun was impacting my skin. I’m paying for it now.
This sunscreen has been my absolute favorite for daily use. It’s not super oily, doesn’t clog my sensitive skin, is entirely odorless, and is perfect for daily skin protection. Yes, it does cost a bit more than daily drugstore brands, but I believe skincare is worth it if you can swing the extra cost.

Freeze-Dried Liver Dog Treats
If you scroll around SST for a bit, you can tell I’m a little “woo-woo.” A steady mix of Eastern + Western medicine has served me well over the years. So it should come as no surprise that that funnels down to my pup, too.
I have an acupuncturist, and so does my dog. I have a masseuse, and so does my dog. I have a traditional primary care Doctor… my dog has a naturopath. And this naturopath has done wonders!
Per her suggestions, I am now feeding my pup less per day and a mix of a raw and kibble diet. Though he is most obsessed with these treats! I have choice-fully selected to not know much about these treats, but I do know that Lux LOVES them and won’t go to bed until he’s had at least one. Naturopath approved!

Marathon Training
This year, I’m leaning towards not completing another marathon, simply because of the amount of time is takes to train. Though it will continue to be an accomplishment I’m incredibly proud of and I’ll never say never again.
Seeing all of the amazing runners just picking up on their training plans has me a little envious and so excited for marathon season to finally get here in Chicago. Add to it an amazing Boston Marathon to kick it off and I’m hooked!

Low Profile Under Bed Storage (that’s actually pretty)
Last week, I went full Spring cleaning mode. I will be updating my eBay page shortly, but reorganization, drop offs at Goodwill, and having my lovely house cleaner pop by have all left my home feeling fresh!
One of the best changes I made was reorganizing some of the ugly under-bed storage I had left in hiding in favor of these pretty, simple, grey boxes. They’re shorter than most boxes, meaning that they fit under almost every bed, are flexible to the amount of content you want them to hold, and the clear top makes it easy to decide what to wear, while also keeping your clothing fur free. I highly recommend for all of your Spring cleaning needs.

Actually Getting Ready for Events Again
It sounds simple, because it is. But after two years of basically wearing my sweatpants everywhere, I love that I have reasons to get dressed up and go out. Hair done, makeup done, wearing clothes I love surrounded by some of my favorite individuals. Getting that calendar booked!
Follow more about favorite finds by checking out my day-to-day life on Instagram!