Yoga Tone with a focus on both inner strength and outer softness. I felt FANTASTIC getting out of this class tonight.
Also, they closed our workout room at work for repairs through early summer, so workouts should be creative in the near future. 🙂
Today was my first day trying Shakeology as purely a pudding with water. I have to admit, I like it a lot better as an ingredient rather than a shake or pudding. The taste was a bit more bland and didn’t feel as satisfying as when it was an ingredient with yogurt or oatmeal.
I’ve been thinking a lot about the quote above. When I think about courage, what does to mean to me?
In the past, I’ve thought that courage was doing something big, overwhelming, or other-worldly. But I’ve lately realized that courage is actually doing something that is out of your daily practice that will make you grow and stretch for the future.
The pictures included in this post are some of the points that stand out to me as times that I didn’t say, “someday.” All of these times have changed my life because they’ve taught me that I should STOP looking at courage as moments that are out of the ordinary, and that I should START looking at courage as opportunities to embrace the open doors set out in front of me.
You and I both have opportunities to show courage everyday. How will you embrace courage today? Perhaps it’s not learning trapeze, but is it opening your heart to new potential? Trying a new workout class? Trying a workout class in general? Perhaps it’s treating yourself as someone that you truly love?
I can almost guarantee that you’ll be glad that you embraced those open doors in front of you, even if you need a little extra push to get there!
Please share how you are going to embrace courage this week. We all need the inspiration!