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Apple Cider Mimosas & Fresh Eyes

Apple Cider Mimosas take exactly two ingredients to make (not including accoutrements).  They’re the perfect cold weather brunch beverage and I already can’t wait to share them with the family over the holidays!

Scroll to the bottom to get to the recipe immediately, or keep reading for a quick catch up.

Seeing the World with Fresh Eyes

If you subscribe to my newsletter or follow me on Instagram, you know that I went on a mini sabbatical last week.  And in my time away, I realized a several things, but the primary lesson that I learned was that I need to see the world with fresh eyes.

Strangely, this lesson came about via Pandora.

I started the time off committed to the goal of “do not be lazy.”  When I’m by myself, I’ve recently come to the tendency of lounging or gaining rest.  While this is obviously important, especially because I’ve been on-the-go so much in the past month, I took this time away to do the hard work and strategically plan the next steps of my business that I’ve been putting off.  (Technology is not my forte, we’ll put it that way.)  But I also wanted to come back home with a new sense of focus and purpose to help to push me to the next level.

So, after waking up naturally at 5:30am after a good night’s sleep, I got ready for the morning and tossed on the Morning Hits station.  After a couple of slow morning jams, Andy Grammer’s “Fresh Eyes” came on and it changed the entire trajectory of my time away.  (I’ll toss the video below, which is a huge tear-jerker, by the way.)

Now, the song is about a relationship, but the general sentiment can be applied to anything.  Sometimes, just a small change can lead to look at the world with fresh eyes.  Similar to what I mentioned last week on mantras, I need to stop looking at my hurdles as “problems” and start being GRATEFUL that they exist.  They are an opportunity to grow and change.  An opportunity to broaden SST’s reach and keep spreading the message of self-love and empowerment.

Being lazy has it’s moments, but it shouldn’t have full days or full weeks.  Start looking at problems as an opportunity for growth and THANK the universe for trusting you with them.  YOU have so much potential and so much to be proud of, but it’s up to us to look at the world with fresh eyes and see all of the beautiful opportunities that come our way.

Apple Cider Mimosas

In the cold weather, my mind constantly clings to two things (other than “SKI WEATHERRRR!!!”)  And they are hot chocolate and apple cider.  But there’s only so much of either beverage that you can enjoy before they start to feel a little heavy.

So for a recent brunch, I decided to create Apple Cider Mimosas and they were a huge hit!  Feel free to rim the glass with some brown sugar and/or an apple slice to make these even more festive for the season.

Apple Cider Mimosas

Total Time: 5 minutes

Yields: 2 glasses


  • 6 oz Apple Cider
  • 6 oz Champagne, prosecco, or brut
  • Optional: Brown sugar, apple (sliced)


  1. If you’ve decided to, first rim the champagne flutes with a bit of brown sugar.
  2. Evenly distribute the apple cider between the glasses.  Top with 3 oz of your chosen sparkling wine in each glass.
  3. Enjoy immediately!


Where in your life do you need to look at the world with fresh eyes?

Where can you exude more gratitude into the world?

Create a great life!

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