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What I Ate Wednesday – Or, The One With the Leftovers

What I Ate Wednesday is where I re-cap an entire day of eating.  From breakfast to dessert, you’ll see it all.  This week, we’re all about the leftovers.

Ok, squad, serious discussion.  Why do so few people take leftovers from potlucks or lunches out or plan to save leftovers from dinners in?  I’m not saying it’s the best practice in the world, but anytime I’m offered leftovers, as long as it can be a portion to a healthy meal, you better believe I’m in.  (This will be relevant, I promise.)

How often have you been the host to a fiesta and when everyone slowly starts filtering out, what do you do?  Sincerely offer leftovers to everyone you see because otherwise you’ll be the one either having to eat quiche for weeks or throwing away food when there are starving children all over the globe.

I, as a guest, have started to offer to take a single or double portion of healthy foods that I would honestly consider eating the next day.  Because why not?  As long as their pet pup wasn’t wagging his tail on top of the dish while shedding exponentially, I see no difference between what I’m eating now versus what I would be eating the next day.

Which leads me to this week’s “What I Ate Wednesday.”

This week, we’re re-capping Monday’s meal.  I typically like to spend my Mondays on the computer, making sure that my posts are looking good for the week and my email queues are up to date so that I don’t fall behind the rest of the week.  This Monday was no different.  A lot of time at home and little time to get out to get something that we didn’t immediately have available.

What I Ate Wednesday

Breakfast at 7:00 A.M.

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I started my day with a Blueberry KIND bar and some hot water with lime.  I typically don’t eat a massive meal until a bit later on in the day, but I make sure to get my system rolling ASAP.  Typically, this is served next to a tall glass of water and some green tea, but we were out of tea Monday morning. #fail

Snack at 9:00 A.M.

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During our Wedding Week, Ray and I both fell in love with Oikos Vanilla Nonfat Yogurt.  After looking at the ingredients, I was comfortable adding it to our usual regime and enjoyed it with a handful of fresh blueberries.

Lunch at 12:30 P.M.

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After busting through updating a couple of posts and scheduling social media, I was ready to take a break.  This leftover pork was delicious from a picnic I had attended on Sunday.  (I ate about 3/4 of the pictured.)  The veggies and tiny bit of dip were leftover from the Olympic Opening Ceremonies get-together we hosted the previous Friday.  Both were delicious and much healthier than other options we had ready to go in our home.

After Lunch Treat at 1:00 P.M.

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I have a sweet tooth after most meals and, if I’m going to appease it, try to earlier in the day when I can still work it off.  With that in mind, I finished lunch off with a small handful of semi-sweet chocolate chips eaten directly from the bag.  And they were fantastic.

Mid-Afternoon Snack at 4:00 P.M.

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Nothing to crafty here.  Just a simple green apple to up my energy levels a bit.  I also knew that I would have a while until my next meal, so I added in a handful of baked chips with hummus.

Dinner at 7:00 P.M.

Spoiler alert – I’m going to hold off on picturing this one, because it’s actually going to be my recipe for tomorrow.  It was a Cauliflower Crust Pepperoni Pizza.  And it was spectacular.  It was the perfect way to celebrate settling in to watch the Olympics.

Dessert at 9:00 P.M.

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Lately, the peaches in the area have been a wonderful treat, and this was no different.  We enjoyed our peaches with a side of Cool Whip and some Sleepy Time Tea.  The perfect treat to end the day.

It was a delicious day of eating.  I definitely do not follow any specific meal plan, but it had lots of veggies, some healthy carbs, three servings of fruit, and some protein. There were a couple not-so-great things in there (see: chocolate chips), but hey… that’s some of the most fun parts of the day!


I know a lot of you guys are excited about our wedding day re-cap, and we JUST got back our pictures.  I want to quickly share them with my family before passing along to the blog so that we can have a moment with them.  Please be sure to check back next week to see our pictures!


How do you curb your sweet tooth?

Are you a fan of leftovers?

Create a great life!

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