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6 Ways to Relax Your Mind for a Good Night’s Rest

Editor’s Note: This post was original featured on

If I know one thing about #kitgirls, it’s that we all have a ton on our plates.  We have to get the kids to school, before leading the business that we started out of our garage, before doing a load of laundry, before getting a meal on the table.  Oh, and we’re supposed to be getting a good workout in there somewhere, right?

With all of the go, go, go, it’s no wonder that we sometimes struggle to relax our minds in the evenings.  Our minds are so used to constantly churning and coming up with new, brilliant ideas, that they don’t know how to silence themselves when the time is right.

As Geoffrey M. Glunkman says, “Feel your emotions, live your true passions, keep still your mind.”  In order to efficiently and effectively move towards our visions, we must be able to calm our minds and allow them to relax for a bit, too.

In times when our minds seem especially engaged, here are six ways that we can relax our minds to achieve a good night’s rest.

Plan Your Day the Night Prior

Oftentimes, when my mind seems to be moving at a million miles per minute, it’s because I’m thinking of everything I have to do the next day.  Call this person, email that person, pay the bills, ship product to new customer, and so on.  It’s no wonder that our minds can’t stop moving when we’re just keeping a tally of our to-do lists.

Instead of waiting to plan your day until the morning, write down your to-do list the evening prior.  Then, lay out your day, hour-by-hour, making sure that your big three are taken care of across your work day.  Having your whole list of things to do written down and ready to go will free your mind to allow it to rest and dream.

Practice Deep Breathing and Meditation

One of my favorite methods to relax my mind – when I go to bed in the evenings, during the middle of the day, or both – is to practice deep breathing.  Breathe in for a count of five, hold it there for a count of five, then exhale for a count of five.  This slow rhythm of breadth allows you to slowly release stress and tension.

Pro tip: If you’re still struggling to concentrate on your breadth, then slowly count your breadths until 10, then starting back at one.  This will transition your mind to only think about your breadth, rather than what you had going on across the day.

Occupy Your Mind With a Mindless Activity or Warm Bath

Repetitive activities that we do on a regular basis – such as coloring, doodling, knitting, or filling a bath tub – require no work, but minimal focus.  The fact that we do have to focus a bit on what we’re doing means that we are unable to think about any stressors we have going on in our lives.  Similar to visualization, these activities take our minds off of our everyday and onto something else entirely, allowing them the space they need to relax.

Pro tip: Sitting in warm water actually releases endorphins, which ultimately reduces stress.  So a warm bath is rarely a bad idea.

For the complete article, originally posted on, click here.

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